Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


Unfurl and loosen, soften and become gentle, turn to rest tools of will and purpose.

Use brother thumb and finger to undo tired muscle. Sensitive fingers to seek knotted fibre and sore aching joints.

Age and good use mark heavily upon ridge and furrow, pathways of stories long forgotten, written in flesh, spoken by gesture, sensed by touch.

Here let my gentle hands rest for a while, make no work fit for them. Let pencil and other tools lay forgotten, be at .....and in doing so let me rest.

As I lay my weary head down upon clean scented pillow, I felt my fingers relax. Hands that had been busy all day taking a long while to open and soften. Rest.

Wakefulness and touch the world once more, no longer tired, ready and willing, seeking out sensations. Joyous and wonderful.

Another day....

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