Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Rough with the smooth

Ever felt like running away to some hippy commune where you grow things and live a simple life?

Mmmmm, when a friend once asked me (standing on Brighten front looking out to sea, very drunk!) "What do you want from life?" my answer was...."to be happy and find some peace".
His answer to the same question was so different to mine, we stood so close, yet worlds apart.

We have made an incredibly complex world for ourselves, our self centralised focus making things difficult as we try to force things into the shape we want them, then struggle when it fails. We don't have the time to stop and listen to others stories, get a view from another's shoes, try and imagine the world from another view point. So much information pouring into our minds that we are caught in some mad vortex, being spun around so nothing is ever in focus.

Ever felt like running away?........sure!

It is, however, this wonderful complexity that gives life such richness. It is indeed the struggle to find some peace and understanding that makes it so fulfilling.

This is all in response to several conversations that I was involved with yesterday, difficult and challenging concepts, younger people trying to figure out the rules by which the are going to live their lives by. You kind of forget that you have done all this as you get older.

Ever felt like running away?.......what's the point?.....where ever I go...there I am!

So the rough with the smooth...that's life...the juice of it all....darkness and and pain....

Have a good one folks (or bad as the case may be!) ;)

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