
A good day at work. Relaxed afternoon as I took some time off and went to the hairdresser. She is our neighbor, but has had a hair studio already for years. Normally she is very up taken, but yesterday I found two hours time from her shedule and accidentally got a an appointment for me!
Half of my hair is now gone and I have light and nice feeling with silky and smooth hair.

In the evening a walk in the city, taking some photos. I felt so unbelievably cold, it was windy and - 0.5c, which I hate. A good frosty weather would be better and of course down feather jacket would have been needed instead of my pullover and softshell jacket.

I ordered a photography magazine for me and from that I got an idea for a tunnel and long exposure traffic -shot. It took me a while to find a tunnel with a bus line though. And it took also few or more moments (too many because of the cold) to take a suitable shot. In the pic you can see a new tram line on the left. Not in use yet.


Ps the Corona situation in Finland is getting worse. It seems that already as many hospital beds are needed now, as in spring time.... Rates are getting higher day after day.

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