Smile, Be Optimistic!

At my book group meeting last night, where I was put to the foot of the class for having refused to spend precious time reading Ragnarok by AS Byatt, I was gently ribbed by a fellow member ( you know who you are, Anne!)for having a bit of the half empty glass syndrome, when commenting on the weather.

I can't help but agree with her that this is how I view life, and the longer the spell of good weather, the bigger the payback in terms of rain and gloom. It is interesting to note that I don't ever think that the reverse might also happen- that the longer the stretch of bad weather, the longer will be the stretch of good weather to follow.

I blame this pessimistic take on the weather in particular, and life in general on my Scottish Presbyterian upbringing, compounded by a natural cynicism and years of experience.
We Calvinists don't expect to deserve the good things in life as a matter of right, and if by chance they come our way, then we will be punished for enjoying them.

In a vain attempt to redress the situation, let me tell you that it is freezing cold today with an impenetrable grey cloud cover and the expectation of an even colder weekend in store, but do you know what?....... Spring is just around the corner with sunshine sparkling on dewy grass, fat buds bursting forth from trees, early morning birdsong, spring flowers nodding in the warm breeze, the sea a deep blue and little lambs gambolling in a joie de vivre in pastures green.with absolutely no knowledge of the mint sauce to come.

How's that? Optimism is the way forward.

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