A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Mind Blown

Numerous bluejays were squawking like mad from the lilac trees, and then a squirrel scrambled through the snow as if running for his life. Another one shot across the road. All strange behavior. I started looking up and around, as much as I could from inside the house. That’s when it happened • An unusually large bird flew low over the lilac trees. All the bluejays cowered. Not a squirrel could be seen. The big brown bird landed across the street to perch on an electrical wire. “Holy Crap!” I said to myself. Eyes wide, I hollered to MrsP to hurry downstairs. I grabbed my camera and started shooting. I kept praying “please, stay, please, stay” just long enough to make some quick adjustments • The jays remained silent, motionless in the lilacs. A squirrel not in sight • The Cooper’s Hawk then stretched his long wings, and flew back across the street, straight towards our house! He swooped over the lilacs and landed in a tall tree next to the house. MrsP had her binoculars ready but he quickly flew to the back of the house and disappeared • The jays remained still for another couple of minutes before taking flight to a safer location • Wow! • Happy Saturday to you!

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