Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

Sing. Floss. Stretch. Dance. Travel

Last night was fun, I sung and danced my way through the evening in the company of a great bunch of women. Thanks, ladies. x

On the way home, in the wee small hours I remembered that today is the day, 1 year ago that I signed on the dotted line, and received the keys to this, my home.
Time for reflection, and mixed feelings, certainly.
But, the future is the way forward, and coffee and an interesting chat with a person who has inspired me more than once before, has revived a few ideas I'd put on hold for a while.

After that, I went into town, bought chips at Jantje's, a lovely red velvet jacket (in the sale), and various bits and pieces at the market. I got chatting to these two men; the one on the right was filming the comings and goings at the market, and the man with the frock on seemed interested in what I had to say about looking for colourful things on a grey day. I admired his clothing sense. Very dashing!

The wise words in this song song have been mulling around in my head for a few days now, as if waiting for today when things became a little clearer.

Here is just a snippet of some of them:

Don't worry about the future, or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.

The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind: the kind that blindsides you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing every day that scares you.


Don't be reckless with other people's hearts; don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember compliments you receive; forget the insults. (if you succeed in doing this, tell me how).

Keep your old love letters; throw away your old bank statements.


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives; some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40; maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary.

Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself, either. Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's.

Enjoy your body: use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or what other people think of it; it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Dance...even if you have no where to do it but in your own living room.

Get to know your parents; you never know when they'll be gone for good.

Understand that friends come and go, but what a precious few should hold on.


Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse, but you never know when either one might run out.


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