Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


My mojo is still coming up short so I settled for a black-capped chickadee today - although, in my defense, at least it is a slightly different pose than what I usually do. And right now, they are an easy blip since we have so many of them this winter.  And it is possible that this will be the last bird I blip this year - maybe.

I was going to meet up with a friend for a walk this morning but she had to cancel last minute, so I decided to go anyway.  It was cold and part of my walk was along open wetlands with very chilly breezes, but it was still nice.  I also saw my first Rough-legged Hawk of the season which was fun.  No photos, alas.  

Back at home, I warmed up by the fire. Then a little time outside, then back in to sit by the fire some more.  

Only 3 more days left of this year.  Can't say I am especially sorry to see it coming to a close.  

Kind.  Safe.  Loving.  Chocolate...


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