MonoMonday:Response to...Textures & Shapes in Wood

Picturemull is hosting MonoMonday this month and is providing some fascinating and very "different" challenges. Each week she's referring us to one of her previous blips and asking us to pick any element of that image to act as the inspiration for our MM blip.

The previous blip she's selected for this week is here. I've chosen to respond to the textures and shapes in the wooden boards in that photo. I've had some rather lovely pieces of old rotten wood in the garage which I've been saving for future blips and I thought this would be a good day to retrieve one and photograph it. It was dark by the time I got round to this, as you can see.

Am I being too fanciful in seeing some pareidolia here? Probably so, but I think I can perceive the head end of a crocodile or an alligator facing right with its mouth open. But I'm probably going crackers!

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