Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

The Great Escape

I had an outing this morning! All the way to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription. TM popped into the butcher and the newsagent. And then we went home - must have been out of all of half an hour. That included the ten minutes it took us to try to get back into our drive.  Reversing resulted in a lot of slip-sliding (almost into our neighbour's hedge, which she would not have appreciated). We tried going in frontwards, more slithering ... in the end we had to park in the cul-de-sac down the hill a bit, and hike up the last hundred yards.  

Then TM had to get the snow shovel out ... a pity we only have one now, so I couldn't help ;-)

So my step count for this week is pretty pathetic.

It was a lovely day, the sun shone from dawn to dusk.  I'm sure the days are lengthening perceptibly - or is it just me seeing what I want to see?

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