Today 'zoomed' by. Well, the first part of it did. I got up early to join a zoom writing group on Finnish time, and it gave me the impetus that I needed to get right back into the paper that was almost finished in December, but which I've not found time for since then. I had another zoom scheduled later - to attend an event in Slovenia - but I opted out of that, as I was going too well with the writing. Mid afternoon I popped out, just for a brief walk (and popped by the bakery), and then before dinner did more than an hour on the spinning bike. I was pleased with that. For dinner we had an excellent chilli for which Mr A made his own chilli mix rather than relying on a ready made mix from the supermarket. That really made a difference. And there's loads left for a second meal - perhaps with baked potatoes. And after dinner, I've just listened to an Edinburgh Book Festival event on zoom, with Jenni Fagan and Denise Mina.

Meanwhile, I took delivery of a cheque from HMRC which I will have to go up to George Street to pay in (there really is no alternative). And L received the books I sent him for his birthday today.

All in all, it's been one of the more successful days in lockdown.

This seems to be a new piece of street art in Stead's Place.

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