
By Chiaroscuro


I've been watching these feathers for some time, wondering how to incorporate them in a blip.

First I had only one, and although it is lovely to look at, it was a difficult model and would not comply.

Then, with the lovely image from LuvU2 yesterday, I was spurred on to make use of the opportunity.

Last weekend we went to have a look at the ground on which my daughter, Cecile and hubby Heinrich is due to start building their new house. Stepping carefully on the uneven ground covered by long grass, I found the rest of these feathers.

Guinea fowl usually stick to a group, and it is lovely to watch them as they move along.

In town we have a few groups that move between the houses and residential areas closer to the mountains - and we actually saw a beautiful male peacock leading one group!

The residents of that specific area say that he (the peacock) seems to have adopted the leader position and is accepted by the guinea fowl as such.

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