The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Jaunty Japonica

I went back to work today, and was gratified to hear that I'd been missed yesterday. I felt absolutely dreadful, but did not sneeze or cough or anything contagious for three hours! Then I left and decided to cut my art appreciation class because it was in another town, and I did not think I could face sitting on a hard plastic chair in the library for 2 hours!

Instead, I got on the bus, sneezing madly all over everyone, feeling leprous, and then set off to walk up the steep hill home, wondering what on earth I was going to find to blip on this dullest of February days! The blip fairies/gods/monster sent me a Cotswold stone house with Japonica growing up the side. Photographing was difficult, because it was high up, but I was greatly cheered at the sight of it. In our garden in Ireland we grew Japonica, and I remember it being one of the first flowers of spring.

Finally I reached home and collapsed into bed in a heap, where I stayed very still for several hours. Beethoven was on the radio. Bomble came to comfort me, or push my head off the pillow. CleanSteve brought me tea and Ainsley Harriot's cup-a-soup, our latest weakness.

Even though I'm not firing on all four cylinders, I can see that the new work timetable is going to be an improvement for me. Which is good!

Thanks for all the comments. I try to answer them all, but I have not got around to many return visits. I Have to say, it's great to be able to lie in bed and read stories from all around the world!

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