Mini blipmeet!

We started off the day with coffee at the Bean There...(yeah i know, Dhun That!!!)...with 2 other potters on the island...Deanie and Jitka! It was lovely to introduce Lynne, whom i've known for over 30 years, to these wonderful women i've known now for about 4 years. Instant was lovely to watch everyone interact!

Sunny and beautiful....Lynne and i headed off towards the wharf and then walked all around the village....and at many points i encountered folks that i knew! so it made for a very social couple of hours! Lynne believes that all we do here on Cape Breton Island is drink coffee and socialize! It being winter here, we are all so happy to greet each other unexpectedly, cos mostly we all hibernate for the winter. I think it's the most social i've been in weeks! Summer time is much busier here and most of us are more inclined to rush about a bit!!!

Home and a quiet few hours alone together...reading and napping! nothing quite like it!

Then out again into the fading sunlight to catch a few more images!

Now it's time to prepare the pizza, make a few mojotos and settle in for the evening!

Sheer Bliss of a day!

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