Birthday Girl

It’s my birthday today! I’m seven. Mum wonders how that’s even possible, but since my litter sister Nora also is seven today, it must be true. And it’s going to be an extended birthday, because at least three packages are on their way here. With my name on them. Yay!! 

This morning, mum told me to sit and stay on the big bed, and then she came in singing Ja må han leva, the Swedish birthday song, carrying presents, my fabulous cake, a card and balloons! I decided to check out the cake first! It was a sausage-liver pâté-bacon soft cheese-pancake cake with a cheese ball powder and a shrimp on top. Brilliant!! Then I unwrapped the presents - two bags of treats, one was from Grandma. And my friends in England sang Happy Birthday on a video call! 

Mum made a picnic and we went to one of our absolute favourites when it comes to outings. The big bird lake outside the city! A great walk in the snow through a very wintry landscape. Our special picnic spot was unoccupied, so we had our picnic including a slice of my birthday cake (me). Yay! 

In the afternoon, we visited Grandma. She also wished me a Happy Birthday and gave me treats. When we came back, there was a package in the mail for me, from my friends in Germany! Treats and a card! Yay!! 

I am now officially exhaustipated and will snooze happily for the rest of the day. I won’t say no to another slice of cake for dinner... 

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