
I've had my eye on this wall for a while. I passed through town on my way home for coffee and fishing lures (different places ;-) so today was the day for a blip.

If Karenjulia and her Dave's vinyl collection becomes a burden I can point them in the direction for some recycling ;-)

If you know the tune and words to Al Goodman - Sing Along, that's the LP with the yellow centre.

Groovy eh?

Saw the Doc today. Just that 6 monthly thing they like to do. The verdict is I'm fit as a buck rat with blood pressure to match. Now I have to actually do something with that form thingy you hand over and a vampire takes blood to see what my blood sugar has done over the past 3 months and what story my cholesterol tells.

Hill run, shower, hair cut, fishing at the Waimak river mouth. That's tomorrow in that order.

Tonight's treat will be stretch and an early night. Bliss.

(Hi Mum, nice to chat late this arvo :-)

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