
By SC26

Thirty One

I can't quiet believe I'm 31. As things were how they were last year and we obviously didn't really do anything for my birthday, it sort of feels like I've jumped up two years this year. 31. It sounds so much older than 30.

It was a quiet day with Mum and Greg; we drove to a favourite farmshop and had a massive lunch of cauliflower cheese and choc/cherry roulade. We attempted to walk it off on a grey and drizzly Aldeburgh beach and spent a while wandering round the charity shops. The beach walk was brilliant- there's something very healing about the open space of the sea. The day was rounded off with Mum's birthday cake in front of the log fire (hugging a hot water bottle to try and warm up!), before an evening of cherry beer and Argo.

It was a difficult day being the first without my Dad, and inevitable comparisons to the horror of last year, but I did some nice things. It's hard to explain to people how empty things feel without my Dad around; being constantly aware that he's not here and missing him so so much. I guess today was another 'first' that we've got through.

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