Kendall is here

By kendallishere

More scans from B&W negatives

I post this on February 16, 2021, which is about 27 years after I shot this roll of film in rural Botswana. I have been spending many hours each day, scanning old negatives. This child, who was about nine years old when I made this photograph, struck me not only because of her wild beauty but also because of her ageless presence. Something about her is so beautiful to me that I cry when I look at it. When I met this child, I was creating a video about mopane caterpillars, a source of protein for her family and many others.

In the extras I'm posting two photos of faces in the audience, watching a play created by some of my students. We performed AIDS education theatre, outdoors for no admission, and we had enthusiastic audiences. And those faces. I have always been in love with faces. I am as much in love as ever.

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