The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Sunset over Clay Farm.....

We have set up the caravan this morning and just after we had errected the awning the heavens opened up and proceeded to rain most of the day, but just before Sunset it stopped as if on script and the sun poked through for the first time today, and this is what it gave us.
There is no cheating with this one except a level adjustment in PS this was almost straight out the camera.

We also found our 110Ah battery on it's last legs too, so that is some more expense tomorrow morning they don't seem to last me more than 2 seasons.

Tomorrow is our AGM and our Chairman/woman has already indicated that she will stand down after five years, i will continue as secretary unless someone has the burning desire to want to take over, which I doubt.
Maddison and her parents will join us here tomorrow, we have already erected the tent in the awning, just to keep them warm.

As I am in the middle of a field i will comment when I can as I am on my mobile broadband but using the GPRS not 3G.

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