Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Mono Monday - Light

Many thanks to the talented Blackheath Blippers for cooperatively hosting Mono Monday in March, and for Isbi for setting today's theme of "light".  Once again, it provided the exact inspiration I needed to pick up my camera and try something new.

I shot this in Monotone (rather than converting it from color) and used a small light off to the left to cast light across the subject.  Some of you will recognize this as being the base of the right side of a very old Singer sewing machine with the remnants of metallic paint on the side. the patent plate and that little painted "oil" arrow (which I love).  I did some adjusting in LR because the original image was a little too dark.  Had some fun - so mission accomplished. And I’ve posted the entire machine in Extra to find e you some context.

I trundled off to the gym this morning and managed to get there when there was almost no one there.  I had the weight room almost totally to myself which made for a much more relaxing work out.  Then into the cardio studio (not in use) for some much-needed stretching.  

Temps today are going to get near 50 so our piles of snow continue to slowly melt.  And when I say "slowly", I mean glacial.  

I'm recommending dark chocolate with nuts today - any kind of nuts, although I have a fondness for almonds.  And as always, continue to stay safe and be kind.


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