Bond No. 9...

A monster breakfast at Bond No. 9 with FT and Fishpot was just what we needed this morning. We met up with GB, Soos and Luca too. This is the art that's painted on the wall in the conservatory. It's kinda cute.

Now I'm back home, the girls have gone on their way and I'm considering all the things I should be doing. My car is disgustingly dirty but it'll keep for a while yet. My flat is reasonably tidy, could do with doing a washing but you know, that'll keep too. I have clean sheets that smell of home but I'm resisting the urge to go back to bed.

I think perhaps there's nothing else for it but to park my arse in my chair and potter through my spreadsheet and guide book so that I can cross reference with the map! Sometimes I'm such a geek!

45 sleeps!

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