Me Naughty!

Today has been a day of naughty bunnies,
raiding Mr Mouses miniatures,
eating used dried tea bags (don't ask Mr Mouse uses the dried leaves for basing), escaping upstairs,
jumping on beds,
eating pine cones (I keep picking the damn thing up only to trip over another one, yes they stole them),
chucking things about,
starting to nibble on a handmade wooden bowl that my Mum brought me many years ago,
eating yet another set of earphones (despite me telling Mr Mouse to not leave this pair lying about),
eating cushions that form part of the bunny defences to the lamp and laptop cables,
nibbling an antique stool (thank fully no value other than sentiment)....


And breath.

Anyway they and Ferd go back to the vets tomorrow for their final check ups, I think it's safe to say the bunnies are fine and I think Ferd is ok but it's really difficult to get a look.

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