Mr John

By MrJohn

Betty's .....

..... tea room.

I have a usual routine after work on Sundays of a walk down to the local Morrisons to have a look in their bargain section for something for my tea or the freezer and then a wander back home through town, usually stopping to look in Betty's windows.

Whilst I was in Morrisions this evening I spotted the lady from the shop in Skipton that I mentioned on the blip of Ryan and was tempted to ask her for a photo, but accosting someone whilst they are doing their shopping somehow dosn't seem the done thing. I'm sure she must think I'm stalking her because she looked over and there was a smile of recognition.

On my way back in to town I had a look in Betty's windows and noticed that they now have their Easter items in stock including the rather euphemistic sounding Betty's chocolate badger. I had a look at all the lovely cakes and chocolates for sale but am to tight to pay the prices in Betty's watching my figure.

I asked the very pristine and proper looking manager in Betty's If I could take his photo, but he was a bit camera shy and voulenteered the lovely Frankie here instead ( he actually said " Frankie, you're doing nothing at the moment, can you pose for this man's photo, I'll break his lense if he takes a photo of me " ). As Frankie was kind enough to pose in front of the fine selection of teas on offer, today's blip is .....

..... Betty's tea room.

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