New reality day 246

This morning we left up north to Northern Savo region. We are 399km north from where we live at my in-law's home.

The picture is from our doggy walk to a deserted farm that now belongs to my husband's uncle. The only building that is still in use is the old smoke sauna. That's the only kind of sauna that I do not get nor enjoy. it's smokey, so you need to wash yourself good after that. Wash hair because the smoke will be smelling otherwise. But still, every time we are offered a chance to go to smoke sauna. If it was by the lake I could do it, but no, by the lake we have the beach sauna. And in the house where they live there's  regular sauna, which we will use this evening after doggy walk.

This is an old granary in the picture. There's still some hey in it for the cows which use to pasture the fields nearby. My husband's uncle has sold the cows now and has started his retirement years. The dogs sniffed around very eagerly. So many wild smells to investigate for them.  

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