Mummy we're farmers!

Or so Bean declared.

We beat a path to the back door today, having missed tots due to a spikey-temp'd Bear and a bad night, and going a bit crazy being indoors. It's no easy feat getting to the back door at the moment. We temporarily relocated a toddler carseat plus base stacked with wellies, and a big coolbox to reach the door today. The sun shone, the Bear got put up on my back to stop him crying, and the Bean went and bounced happily on his tampoline and dug with joy in his digging patch, digging in a load of coffee grounds and crushed eggshells.

One day we'll plant something properly there, in our super soil!

Then he came running in saying we were farmers so I grabbed the remaining seeds from my lovenotes and a couple of eggboxes and we planted our seeds in a corner of the digging patch.

Bear got hot and grumpy again so we went indoors and left Bean to it.

Just as Steve got home Bean came wandering in saying one of his shoes was wet.

Trying to figure out how one of his shoes got wet caused a bit of hilarity. Here's to the day when he has all the vocabulary to explain that one, rather than "I dropped it in the water!" But it's still on your foot, how'd you drop your foot in the water?! Turns out he was fishing his watering can out of a tub of water, put his foot on the edge and slipped.....

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