RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Never Fresher

The Farmer's Market, which recently changed location, is a great spot for fresh-off-the-boat fish. True, we have a Fisherman's Market every morning on Playa Principal, but at the Farmer's Market the vendor will cut your fish to order. Today, with friends coming over this evening, tuna was on the agenda. There are about a dozen stalls selling all types of fish. I had watched this young lady work a couple of days ago and thought she would be a good subject, so I picked her from spot from which to buy (I like to purchase from those who are my subjects even though most people happily pose when asked). She pulled a whole tuna from a bucket to her right (you can just make out the tail in this shot), carved off this hunk of meat, and went to work cutting perfect fillets. They were delicious after a short time on the barbeque later that night!

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