Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

More tea vicar?

It's Friday again so the Scottish National Galleries Art Quiz link is in the comments, 7/10 for me this week! How will you get on?
I set out on a mission today to replace the small teapot for Ali. I had thought it would be easy and there would be lots about as the entire population had spent the last year clearing out cupboards. It was far more difficult than I expected though and apart from very basic heavy brown, and cream ware, this was it. It's probably late 1930s and very pretty, the design is lilac cream petal - the lilac being the colour of the handle and spout - and was made at Grindley pottery in Stoke. I do love that such delicate things survive so long. I saw two beautiful Barbara Davidson (Larbert Pottery) sets in Stockbridge and had great difficulty resisting them!
I went for my 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine this afternoon. The system at Ingliston is a very smooth one and if I hadn't had to sit for 15 minutes afterwards, would have been over in less than 5 minutes. I was vaccinated by a very nice retired geriatrician called David.

Oh and a woodpecker flew across the road in front of me. I had to be very restrained and not slam on the brakes and leap out of the car to follow it!

A quiet evening and an early night for me.
Oh and the sign across the road was removed today. Result.
Keep safe and well everybody. I know I'm not invincible but it is a good feeling.

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