Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


There's a road in Corstorphine called Dovecot Road, guess why?
It's 16th century and in good repair. It's the only part left of the pre 1405 castle which stood here. The castle was destroyed in the 18th century.
I went into church this morning to meet the 7 week old prem twin girls of a friend, Willow and Charlotte. They were 6 weeks early, but were both a good weight only a little lighter than Josie. There's only a difference of 100g in weight between them and they are both doing well. Their mum is looking great and so happy, she went through a lot so it's good to see how well they are all doing. There was a gardening day at church today so lots of people were about and the grounds are looking great. It was a good morning for it.
I went off to Ali's next, to take Marvin the pug for a walk while Ali was showing the house. Her husband is away and we reckoned coping with a dog as well as the baby was just one thing too many to juggle.
We were out for almost two hours, 9500 steps. I reckon I'd worn his legs down by the time we got home!
I made the mistake today of leaving the washing out in the sunshine - it rained!

I forgot to put the art quiz link up yesterday so here it is. I got 10/10 so very chuffed!

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