Walking on Water

We felt like strangers in a strange land* when we drove up to this rest area and everyone was walking on water.  The shallowest of "lakes" over which people drive and walk.  Pretty trippy

The Bonneville Salt Flats are located between here and mountains. Most people come to drive on the Bonneville Salt Flats International Speedway, or to watch other people drive on it. You can easily drive onto the Salt Flats with just about any type of vehicle. The salt is hard.
I switched photos at the recommendation of others.
Extras:  1. Where'd everyone go?  They were here a minute ago!
2.  Ah, there they are.

Thank you so very much for all of your stars and hearts while I was traveling in Moab, Utah.  It warms my heart to know my blip mates love this area as much as I do xxx

* A good read (at least I thought so decades ago.....tastes change and I'm not a big science fiction fan, so don't trust me)

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