Blowing A Gasket

So Operation Fix The Washing Machine is complete. I wish to lie in a darkened room. Well, I am, actually....

The changing of the gasket was easy but it was murder getting the front off the machine. Sitting in a damp kitchen for 8 years hadn't done the screws much good. After a great deal of swearing some hammering of the screwdriver, they eventually came free. I had to accept I couldn't get the wire band back on myself so Mr HPW was very helpful there. Alexander was very good and played by himself while all this was going on. He's not daft.

We did this day the wrong way round really, as this morning was very nicely spent with Sandy and Sia at the Science Centre. We went to the IMAX and saw a 3D film about flies hitching a ride to the moon landing. It seems such a long time ago now.

In other domestic news, my next visitors will be pleased to hear I'm getting a new guest duvet. I will spare you the details, but I had wondered where the cat was all day...

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