The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Cowslips along the canal

I know I talk a lot about the canal and the cemetery at the moment. They are currently my favourite places to walk. I'm trying to get a consistent number of steps walked every day. So far, my progress is highly erratic.

I left work at about 1.45pm during a hail/gale/or rainstorm. Walked along to the cafe where I was supposed to meet a friend, even though I knew she'd postponed, and decided not to stop, because the seats would be wet. Walked along the canal from Wallbridge ( the Stroud town end) east towards Chalford. Snapped these cowslips (badly) along the way. Got off well before that at Waitrose, and popped in for one or two things. Big mistake! By the time I emerged, £22 lighter, I'd picked up a few choice items. Ah well, it makes a change from Home Bargains.

Got home without too much rain-soaking, again via the canal to Bowbridge, and up the hill. Steve got home just after me, and suddenly there was masses of shopping to unpack.

Later, I ate the GF, DF, pizza I had bought, and accompanied someone virtually to a Zoom presentation. Now I'm watching a documentary about the murder of a lighthouse keeper in Kirkcudbrightshire in 1960. I think I am addicted to crime stories. Interestingly, my half brother S, whom I only got to know slightly last year (even though he is in his late twenties) is also a fan of true crime stories. Nature or nurture? Well, we do have the same father...

One lovely thing that happened today; when we took the nursery children out to play, most of them decided to go back inside during the first heavy shower. A few stayed out, I stayed with them, and we had a boisterous play session on the seesaw and slide, getting thoroughly soaked, just back in time for a quick change before lunch.

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