
By JeanSnaps

How wet can you get.

The day began with a gleam of sun but I was too slow off the mark.  Rain set in and that was the end of pulling up the last of the periwinkle.  Just as well as my knee was complaining.  Did all my Saturday chores and settled to read on the sofa.  My Lib Dem SMP has kept his seat with an increased majority.  I like him but didn't vote for him as he supports the Union which I can't do in its present state.  Maybe with a lot of reforms but I can't see them happening.
Went to the Pillars in the afternoon for milk and a few other items and found the zip on my Gortex jacket had broken.  Went home to change it and set off for Loch Leven's Larder. I've been very well behaved for at least a month and felt the need for comfort eating plus I needed a photo.  Arrived there to find I'd left my handbag at home.  It was just one of those days.  Drove back again with a solitary photograph and a miserable one at that. Faffed around in the garden photographing raindrops then went round to the village shop and bought crisps and some Chilean  cabernet  sauvignon.  Sometimes comfort eating becomes essential.

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