New reality day 285

Saw this on our evening walk. No idea what it is.  Witchcraft? A game?  Art?

Tell me if you know what it is. Definitely the most interesting thing I've seen today.

I had a longer day today at work. It went okay. We had very minimum staff, but we managed fine.

After work I've only watched tv and eaten. Next stop shower and bed.

I was hoping that I'd had some energy in me to plant some of my baby plants to the greenhouse, but I did not. They will have to wait for tomorrow. Unless I stay longer tomorrow to do few things that I was not able to do on my orientation week because the systems didn't work. Tomorrow's gonna rain, so it could be the best day to do it. From Tuesday we switch into very summery temperatures, which unfortunately will be over by my first day off on Friday. So I do not wanna miss out  any more on those sunny and warm hours, if possible.

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