A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Quizzed Off

The Quizly Bears entered the annual Trinity Quiz with high spirits & high IQ's (ahem).

It's a very well organised & thought out night. There were 8 rounds of varying subjects, nibbles to start with, a nice 'n' spicy chilli with lots of extra toppings, a bar & a raffle. What a show! It was a fun & enjoyebale evening.

The Bears, my Aunty Spishy being a key member of them, were all in a quiz-focused state of mind & although we didn't get a top 3 finish, we also didn't finish last & walk away with sour grapes (an actual commiseration prize for the gallant losers) - I think we did very well!

Time's up & George's expression here says it all, well, from his point of view anyway!

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