Neil was due here around 12 noon to go for a walk but he messaged to say he had been on a long run this morning and needed a nap --- so he changed the time to 2pm.  He came to my house as I needed to stay local as it was slimming club tonight.

We had a lovely walk in the countryside. The weather was dry and warm and we hardly saw anyone while we were out. There were lots of patches of wild garlic which had a lovely scent. I made a collage of a few shots I took on the route. 

My blip shot is of Neil - and is for the Abstract Thursday challenge theme of Topsy Turvy.  I used an app on my phone to process a photo of him and turn him into a duo where one of him is upside down.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

Musical link -HEAD OVER HEELS by Bon Jovi

We walked through the fileds until we got to the main road that leads into the village.  Then Neil turned left to walk to the Team Valley Trading Estate where he was going to do some shopping.  I turned left and walked home

Had a rest and did a few chores before heading off for Slimming Club.  Put on another half a pound.  Then home to cook my tea and at 8pm it was slimming club Zoom.  Its our last Zoom meeting as its " bums on seats " again next week when we are allowed to have proper group meetings.  Only 5 joined the Zoom tonight so we were able to have a nice chat.

Steps today - 14,868

CORONA CLASSIC - John Dowland - Fantasia No. 1

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