Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I think this word best describes fledgling starlings (and a few other birds as well).  That said, they are extremely entertaining and today I had quite a large number of them - apparently word spread about the buffet.  Even as I write this, I can hear their strange, electrical sounding screeches outside the window as they badger their parents endlessly for food.  The funniest thing is when they sit right on the feeder, begging relentlessly.  I did see one youngster start feeding itself today - at which point the parent tried to take over and the fledgling promptly pecked the parent.  Hooligans.  If this goes like past years, they will be around for a few days before they disperse (hopefully).  

The blue jays finally had enough and refused to give up the feeders, even when overrun with starlings.  And when the red-bellied woodpeckers show up, everyone backs off.  Even the youngsters seem to know the pecking order.

It was positively wintery outside today - low 50's, rain, and wind.  A far cry from a week ago.  But it was a great day to be in my hide (bundled up, of course).  I can't tell you how many images I shot today, but I can say with certainty that I completely enjoyed myself.  

Last night I started having some rashy effects from the radiation which prompted a bit of a meltdown.  Silly, but I guess I just need to go through my own emotional rollercoaster.  Anyway, I'm pampering my skin with extra stuff today and the burning sensation is almost gone.  Good that I have a three day break.  

More of the same in terms of weather tomorrow, so I expect I'll be spending more time in the hide.  No complaints from me.  

I'm putting a shot of one of the female red-bellied woodpeckers in Extra - it's a shot I particularly like.  There is something about wet birds that intrigues me.

You know what to do - kind, safe and definitely something yummy to eat.  I'm staying with dark and nuts today.


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