
By JanetH

200 consecutive days!!!

Wow! I can't believe I have come this far, I never thought it would be possible. It has been an amazing journey so far and thoroughly enjoyable. I feel as though I have made many friends, I've got to know you through your journals. I've already had one blipmeet and more are planned for the summer, so I am looking forward to that.

THANKYOU to everyone who follows my journal. All your lovely comments, stars and hearts are very much appreciated and you also kept me going especially while I was ill recently.

Shall I stop now? ....

..... I couldn't possibly!!! It's downhill to 365 now!

The next few months will be interesting. I start a big photography project in June, more of that later! I've just opened a flickr account to hold more of my photos ... and I also think I've reverted to childhood playing with lego! Actually, that's part of my project too (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!). I made my first ever animated film the other week as an experiment and will be doing more over the summer.

Thanks for keeping in touch!

Best wishes.


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