Bronwyn, Dave and Brighson

Well what a day!  

It started at 3.30 am when Ace knocked on my bedroom window....for some reason i decided to turn off my phone.   It had been on every night .... but i guess it felt we still have a few days to go!!!   He left the dog with me and i tried to go back to sleep...Ha, not a chance!!!

Into the hospital around 3.40 am and things started moving along very quickly!    She was into the pushing stage around 11 am.....but unfortunately, after almost 3 hours of pushing it was decided that a C section was needed!   How disappointing for her and Ace. 

Owen Gibson Johnson was born at 3.20 pm and both him and Morgan are doing well.

I didn't realise just how worried and anxious i was until i finally saw a photo of them both, and then the tears of joy were shed!

Bronwyn, Dave and Brighson arrived around 1.30 pm, so we were all here together when he was born.  And it is absolutely fabulous to have them here with me.   Brighson is of course, totally adorable.

I'm gonna sleep well tonight!

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