Red Squirrel


The Last Bud


I've been out in the Fens again today, Little Wootton and Emneth - 2 more locations new to me. What an opportunity to blip something new. It would have helped if I'd kept an eye on the battery level in my camera. I managed 1 rubbish shot and it died. Ooops!
It's been a long and tiring day. 112 miles of driving in all. An hour and 10 minutes to get to the morning school, a manic 3 and a half hours there. 40 minutes to get to the second school (at least a fairly steadily paced afternoon, phew) with no time for a proper lunch break. Then an hour and 20 minutes to get home. So tonight I'd no idea what to blip. Then the proverbial light bulb came on. I've been creating a folder on FaceBook with digital shots of old family photos, so I decided to blip this one of mum and dad with me as a babe-in-arms. The blip title? Dad was an only child, so am I. Dad's dad had one sister, who married. I have no children (my choice, I don't regret it) but even if there had been offspring, they'd have taken my husband's surname. Therefore so far as this branch of the family tree is concerned I was the last bud - a bit sad really - but then again, maybe one of me in this world is quite enough! lol

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