A good day ...

It's all beginning to settle a bit now. I'm getting my plan into place - I like a plan, makes me feel a bit safer and less afraid - and chemo will start 11th April, all being well. Once again, an operation is not an option. I've mobilised people who helped me last time, homeopath and healer, and friends and family who will email/text etc when I'm actually going through the process. All help keep me positive. And sane.
I have a wonderful 'team'. Am I lucky or what, BlipFolk?

Other news which is rather good - we FINALLY exchanged contracts on a house yesterday. With a bit of luck and a following wind, we might even manage to move before chemo starts. The house was refurbished only two years ago, so we need do nothing unless we want to put our own stamp on it. That can wait. It's all neutral colours, nothing to offend us or our furniture. I would LOVE to be in before I start to feel sh....y. In fact I feel rather good at the moment, amazingly, with the auto-immune stuff having a good spell.

The trick is keeping my mind occupied so it doesn't dwell on things. Today we ventured out to a nursery, a garden centre and Trotton Church. I wanted to show you the 14thC mural paintings in the church, but they were too faded to photograph. It was perishing cold and whatdaya know, there was a Tea Room with delicious shortbread for a nice warm up. I bought the first plant for our new garden. Had my eye on this little beauty which glories in the name edgeworthia chrysantha frederica, otherwise known as the paper bush, but in the end settled for Dad's favourite rose Zephryn Druhin, a wonderfully prolific and scented climber. Magic.

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