
By hpx


I've had a day of visitors and treats. People are so kind, thoughtful and concerned. We've been brought soup (the mainstay of my existence), fruit, frozen meals and other goodies I'll hopefully blip in the coming days ;-)

Some chip in and do some dishes, or make cups of tea for the next visitors. Others check in first and bring a few supplies from the supermarket. Others offer to do anything, get anything, whatever is required. Everyone gives an expression of love and care. I am deeply humbled and grateful.

Yellow blips and C visited late this afternoon. They accompanied me on one of my shuffle walks (yep, one where I venture out in my 'jarmie bottoms ;-). We got down to my neighbours fence with Nasturtiums peeping through the fence. The bright orange flowers are striking but the dead flowers and seed pods are even more interesting. I'm surprised I managed to capture this. I got a bit shaky but C and Yellow stuck with me (thanks for holding back leaves to improve the light).

I'm still catching up with back blips. Think I only missed one day.

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