
By tricyclist


It was a day spent doing chores around the house. The hall cupboard needed sorted out as it was in a bit of a state after all the camping gear had been pulled out from the back. The car seemed to be full of sand after numerous trips to the beach so I hoovered it out and gave it a clean. It was a beautiful sunny day which was a nice change from the cloudy, rainy weather we had last week. Some family are up camping near Nairn as they weren't able to come last week. The weather forecast looks like great weather for the duration of their stay. We made a cassoulet and went and had tea with them. We also made some tarts with rhubarb and blackcurrants from our garden for pudding. This model cow greets you as you enter the campsite. I'm trying out the blipfoto app which seems to be a lot easier to use than the website on my phone. For whatever reason I've been having a lot of trouble when I try to go back and change mistakes in my typing when using the website on my phone. It seems to work fine on my wife's phone and on my computer.

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