
By Mo

8 into tree

A beautiful day. The kids went across the road to the park to play this morning and I had a long loll with my book - bliss. A little potter around the Bakewell shops and then we went for a walk: 5 adults, 8 kids and one buggy (so that we could limit George's activity). Utter madness to take a broken old buggy up hill and down dale - especially with 18kg of George in it - but we did it.

We got to Chatsworth, had some ice cream but didn't go into the house or gardens as it was pretty late by then. A pleasant walk back, with lots of sheep expressing an opinion on us as we crossed through their fields. Fish & chips for tea and a "quiet night in" all round.

I've never been to the Peak District before but it's really nice and I'd like to come back for a longer visit some time. Of course, it always helps when the sun is shining!

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