Introduce Yourself..

I'm hoping to catch up with folks in the coming few days as we have been busy and this week is a lull between Scotland and Oxford.  I've taken time out this afternoon to look at a few journals and I came across this month's Blip Challenge which had slipped my mind.  Now, how to introduce some aspect of myself which I haven't already blabbed on about endlessly in my eleven Blip years?!  It took some thinking about but I couldn't do yet another mini meadow; orienteering; parkrun; recorder; animals etc etc blip.  So what to do?

Back in February 2019, we received the wonderful news from Becky and Rob in Boston that they were pregnant and, expecting to be long time, long distance grandparents, I began to write a journal to Baby.  In September of that year, Baby became Euan and then in the new year, lockdown hit, so then we were long distance grandparents who couldn't travel and were living in a pandemic.  There were times when I wondered, as many, many other folks did, if we would ever see our US family except through Skype and, at the worst of times, whether we would survive to see them, so my writing to Euan became ever more important.  

Now they are coming home, in just a week in fact, and we will be able to see them and be a part of Euan growing up.  I am on my second Euan journal now and I hope to be around to give them to him, probably when he is sixteen and old enough to reflect on what is contained in the pages....or maybe on that day when he doesn't want to come and visit because we are too old and boring!!

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