Leading Lines

Felt more energetic today so I had a walk down to the village to do some food shopping and collect my prescription.  Another supply of blood pressure tablets.  Hopefully these ones won't have any side effects like the last two tablets I tried.

I took my blip shot as I was nearing the end of the back lane through the allotments.  This part of the lane is wide enough for cars but the part near my house is just a narrow track. The Wide Wednesday challenge is  ' Leading Lines '. Thanks to RockArea for hosting.

Weather today started off dull and rainy but this afternoon was dry and warm.

Neil and Rachael have gone to Edinburgh for a short break.  A Mini - Moon I think its called.  They both love Edinburgh so its a good choice.  Their " proper " honeymoon will take place whenever its possible to go somewhere further afield.

Steps today - 6,548

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