The Poss

By PossMan


Part of our garden on a cold March day. This is the bit of interest to birds with a table to left and another nut feeder to right. Kitchen window out of shot to left and from which I get some shots of the birds although as it's through two panes of glass not the best viewpoint. There's a plastic tray on left that serves a bird bath. Centre is a low circular bay "hedge" (OK - it needs trimming) with a small bush inside and also two pot ducks (not visible). The tree is good as the birds use it as a kind of "anteroom" to the feeder - they land in its branches and then use it as a jumping off point to the feeders. And the bay hedge provides shelter. One of the female blackbirds pokes her nose out, runs to grab crumbs of bread from the ground, and scurries back. I think there's quite a lot going on beneath and inside.

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