
By JeanSnaps

At Ballinbreich Castle.

It's too darn hot.
It's too darn hot.
The temperature's rising
It isn't surprising
It's too darn hot.

You have to be old enough to remember Marilyn Munroe singing it in "There's no business like show business." 
I was indoors in the morning cleaning the kitchen and taking delivery of the groceries  which was fine.  In the afternoon I went out to continue cutting down the shrub roses but didn't last long even though I was in shade.  Came in and made an appointment for the recycling next Tuesday.  Rang a roofer who was a good honest soul and said he couldn't paint the guttering till next summer.  I'm keeping a note of him. Phoned a second one who is sending someone out to have a look.  We'll see if it happens.
Spent the rest of the afternoon reading then went off in the car to photograph.  The light was harsh and hazy and nothing much appealed but I had a little walk in a stubble field beside the ruins of Ballinbreich  Castle. It was built in the 14th century by Clan Leslie but most of the ruins are from the 16th century.  It's in a lovely location overlooking the Tay.  The heat in the sun was strong even though it was about six o'clock and the car was hot even with the air conditioning. Pleased to get home.  I don't think I'm cut out for heat somehow.

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