Spring is coming!

We were forecast sunshine for today but the sky stayed very grey and there was such a bitterly cold wind as well that I was glad I had decided to wear my warmer coat.

On my way home from the sanctuary I got off the tram at the artificial island. Both swans were there but the one on the nest didn't move the whole 40 minutes I stayed there. The Great Crested Grebe did get up briefly and revealed that there were now 4 eggs in their nest.

I took several photos at the island, including of a second pair of Grebes who have appeared there but who don't seem to have chosen a nesting site yet. Some of these photos would have made a good blip but I decided to choose this one of the rather silent fellow that I met at the park during my walk with Hercule, one of the dogs from the sanctuary. His sign which had slipped down somewhat said "THE END IS NEAR, SPRING IS COMING!" and I do hope he's right, even though it means that he won't be around to experience it.

Thank you very much to everyone who stopped by to comment on my Amaryllis blip from yesterday. :)

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