Seven spot ladybird

It looks like the snowman from yesterday's blip was right that spring was coming because the sun we had today definitely made it look like spring even though it still felt rather cold. Unfortunately for him he was also right about the end being near as the poor fellow was already lying in three parts at the side of the road this afternoon.

After my walk with one of the dogs from the sanctuary I went back to the area at the park where I'd seen some daisies, daffodils, hyacinths and grape hyacinths. I'd just finished taking some photos of them when I spotted this seven spot ladybird and it didn't take me long to decide that this was going to be my blip today. The flowers weren't going anywhere and I could always take more photos of them and blip them another day. When I got home I only had one problem and that was deciding which shot to choose out of all the ones I'd taken of the ladybird.

On the way home from the sanctuary I stopped at the artificial island again where a second pair of Great Crested Grebes seems to have chosen a nesting site. The swan didn't let me see if other eggs had been added to the 4 they already had but the first pair of Grebes did reveal that they have 4 eggs as well now.

Thank you so much for the comments and stars on my snowman blip from yesterday. I'm glad you liked him. :)

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