Local Windmill, Moergestel

'I've been to Moergestel to the mill with no name.'

What's the expression again?  That's right -- a 'plain Jane'.  Never mind, once done, no need to do again.

AW went with me because after passing by here, we drove on to Eindhoven to have a Chinese dinner at Isis' place.  She's quite voluble, so a very good excuse for me to just be quiet and relax, and speak only when spoken to, although we had quite a few laughs, and I enjoyed myself and let them do the talking.  She and I drove together to town to pick up our dinner order, and then, after dinner, the three of us went down to Nuenen for dessert, as the ice salon in Nuenen is famous far and wide.  After that, a two-minute walk to the town square to view the statue of van Gogh because he lived in Nuenen for a short while, and even painted the famous 'The Potato Eaters' while he was there.  There's even a statue interpretation of this well-known painting, also in the square.  The camera did its best but we really need to go during the day if I'm to take a more decent shot of it.

After Nuenen, back to Eindhoven to view the annual light display.  Are you familiar with Philips lamps?  Well, in case you were not aware, Philips was a Dutch entrepreneur who came from Eindhoven and set up the very first Philips factory in the city.  Families from all over the country moved to the city for employment because Philips was very socialist in his approach to his employees -- free housing, allowances for this and that, and of course a job for life if you worked hard and did your bit.  For this reason, Eindhoven is known as the Light Capital of the country, and this light display, spread throughout the entire city, is the local government's way of honouring its famous son and all who worked for him.  Cars were all over the place following the signs and cyclists were thick in some places, so it was good to pay attention on the road.  The light show started at 20.00, logically, and whole families were enjoying the entire route.  This is the first time I've seen it and I will go again next year.  Apparently it is a tradition here and generations have viewed the show and pass it on.  By mid-October, it'll be over.  There's an extra!

After driving around in circles to view the displays, back to Isis' place for a short rest, and then home.  Fabulous day!

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