
Finished getting all the gravel into my back garden.
Returned the wheelbarrow and shovel to next door.
Moved things around and am pleased with my efforts so far, still a bit to do but nothing urgent. ( see extra )
Would l have chosen my garden like this if l didn’t have a budget? probably not but this will be much easier to maintain.
Last visit to the tip with some soil and rotten wood from the now removed raised beds.
Quite honestly it’s a weight off my mind, l could see if l had left it for another couple of years it would have been an even bigger job and l reckon l have saved myself around £1,000.
Can put that towards next years gas bill!

A pansy has popped up amongst the violas, it looks at home so it can stay there.
Thank you Annie for continuing to host Flower Friday.

Bath now then granny taxi.

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